“Linea verde, il limes senza legge” Limes 3/2011

Posted: 06.07.2011

Alessandro PETTI, Nicola PERUGINI, Sandi HILAL, Eyal WEIZMAN – Linea verde, il limes senza legge
Gli accordi di Oslo definiscono tre aree di sovranità: israeliana, palestinese e mista. Di fatto, però, se ne è imposta una quarta: il confine stesso. Semplice tratto sulla carta, nella realtà questa striscia di terra è un limbo giuridico.


The Practice of the Commonwealth in the Metropolis of the Crisis Gentrification, Colonialisms, Conflicts, Arts and Architectures

Posted: 23.06.2011

June 25 at 3 pm
S.a.L.E. Docks, Dorsoduro 265, Venezia

The Practice of the Commonwealth in the Metropolis of the Crisis
Gentrification, Colonialisms, Conflicts, Arts and Architectures.

The point is to analyse the concept of the city within the context of the global crisis.
The invited people have been chosen to highlight different points of view. From the role of the organisation of the space and of Israeli architecture within Palestine to the postion of art in the context of the global cities where the device of the creative city was put to practice.
So the focus will be on architecture, art and urban planning as instruments employed in a field of forces.
This field can vary from actual war zones to a space in which creativity is captured as a capitalistic vector for the socio-economical urban development.

A collaboration between S.a.L.E. Docks and the Institut Ramon Llull on the occasion of “180” the solo exhibition of Mabel Palacin for the Pavilion of Catalonia and the Balearic Islands at the 54 Venice Biennale of Visual Arts.

Follow the live streaming on: www.sherwood.it



Anthony Iles

Marti Peran