In July 2010 we hired a lawyer, and asked him to represent the line in an
Israeli court, claiming it as an autonomous space. At the beginning he
laughed but finally said:
“…actually I’m dealing everyday with legal cases against the construction of
the wall. In these circumstances the only thing that I can do is to push the line
more here or more there, but I can never challenge the lines themselves…”
“I want to show you an interesting case located on the street that connects
Jerusalem to Ramallah. There is a house which the municipality of Jerusalem
argues being outside the municipal border of Jerusalem. Her house is cut by
the line in two parts.”
“The Jerusalem municipality claims that since most of the house is build
outside the line, she does have the right to live in Jerusalem. So look, the
bedrooms are outside Jerusalem but the kitchen and the entrance is in
Jerusalem. It might seems ridiculous but the implications on her life are
dramatic. She will loose the Jerusalem identity card and will not have access
to medical treatment in Jerusalem that she needs and her kids can not go
anymore to Jerusalem schools, and will not be able to visit any more their
parents… So what I’m arguing in court is that since the entrance of the
house is inside the line they have to consider her center of life in Jerusalem…
in fact I ask them how she can go in and out of her house without going in
and out of Jerusalem?”