The red castle

The project of the garden historically represented a laboratory to test new ideas for the city and the territory. Architects and planners, in the walled and more protected areas of public and private gardens, tested experimental interventions that could not yet take place at a larger scale due to technical, economic or political reasons. The garden in this way became a place to verify large scale territorial interventions. The garden of the Red Castle located in area C has offered the possibility to explore creative, innovative and non-invasive landscape transformations in area C.

The White Line

West Bank: 5.640 km2 (20% of the area of the Palestinian Land prior the State of Israel)

Area C: 3.456.442 km2 (60% of the West Bank under Israel’s administrative and military control)

In Area C, Palestinian-owned buildings occupy 1% of the total land

18.000 Palestinian homes have been demolished since 1967 in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (including East Jerusalem)

1.700 Palestinian homes in the Occupied Territories were demolished by the Civil Administration during the course of the Oslo peace process (1993-2000)

Since the start of the second Intifada in September 2000, about 5000 Palestinian homes have been destroyed in military operations. Around 50.000 have been left homeless.

More than 628 Palestinian homes were demolished during the second Intifada as collective punishment and “deterrence” affecting families of people known or suspected of involvement in attacks on Israeli civilians. On average 12 innocent people lose their home for every person “punished” for a security offense – and in half of the cases the occupants had no involvement with the acts in question.



The Blue Line
Military Order #158/1967: Prevents all inhabitants to dig wells

Military Order #291/1968: Declares all water resources in the Occupied Palestinian Territories as Israeli State Property

Water available from West Bank Aquifers:
Israel : 73% / 333 cu.m per capita
Est Bank: 17% / 83 cu.m per capita
Israeli settlers: 10% / 1.450 cu.m per capita

69% of Palestinian communities are connected to water infrastructure

As a result of the OSLO Interim Agreement (1995) between Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) and the State of Israel, the Palestinian Water Authority (PWA) was established to develop the water sector in Palestine. Over 140 projects from the Joint Water Committee and Israeli Civil Administration are still pending today. A majority of the highest priority water supply and waste waters projects continue to be held by the Israelis, some of which for over twelve years now


The Black Line
Military Order #119/1967: The responsibility of archaeological resources in the Occupied Palestinian Territories fall under the Military Governor and his appointees.

Archaeology is a foundation to validate the national identity based on biblical events: 4.500 archaeological sites and features (50% of Palestinian cultural resources) annexed to Israel’s territory after the completion of the Wall

Over 70.000 Palestinians have been detained since 1967 – totalling approximately 20% of the total Palestinian population remaining within the Occupied Palestinian Territories

9.493 Palestinians prisoners are held by Israel
85% of Palestinians detainees are subject to torture

Out of the 9.493 – 750 public servants, 349 aged 18 or less, 75 are females, 47 are Palestinian parliamentarians

Between September 2000 and August 2008, an estimated 6.700 Palestinian children were arrested and detained in Israeli prison facilities


The Golden Line
93% Israeli’s land is declared as State Land

Legal framework for Land acquisition:
“Emergency Land Requisition (Regulation) Law”, 36 OF 5709-1949: the Minister of Agriculture can determine any land as “wasteland”, and assign it to settlers to be used for 35 months, and can later extend it by five years

“Absentee Property Law”, 5710-1950: “Absentee” is any Palestinian who left his ordinary place of residence in Palestine between the 11/27/1947 and the 03/14/1950. A Custodian appointed by law will automatically assume every right on the land and, even if it is proved that the property was not at the time vested property, any transaction made in good faith shall remain in force

“State Property Law”, 5711-1951: ownerless property situated in Israel is property of the State of Israel as from the day of its becoming ownerless


The Green Line
Military Order #1039/–: Prevention for planting, changing type of, preparing a seedling for fruitful trees, except pursuant to a written permit. Main forbidden fruitful trees and vegetables: plums, grapes, tomatoes, eggplants, onions

Military Order #1015/1982: Monitoring and preventions on planting of fruitful trees

Land use in Area C:
Agricultural land – 1.732,614
Forests and open spaces – 1.412,570
Water bodies – 1.161
Segregation wall – 8.168
Palestinian built up areas – 54.586
Jewish settlements – 188.435
