Former military base – evacuated in 2005
Az Zababida-Qabatiya
Former military base – evacuated in 2005
This former military camp is located between the villages of Az Zababida and Qabatiya and appears to have been evacuated for a longer time. People from the village have more access to this site than the inhabitants of Jaba’ and Sanur have to the Jaba’-Sanur camp, though all the structures were demolished save one in major disrepair. The top of the camp is used as a quarry. The best land, near the shooting range, has been completely taken over for intensive agriculture production, producing a kind of decolonization through cultivation.
The former shooting area of the camp, now transformed into cultivated land
Former military base – evacuated in 2006
This former military camp is located between the villages of Jaba’ and Sanur, in the Jenin district; the owners of the land are people from both villages. The camp extends on both sides of the major road between the two villages. While the camp has been evacuated for many years, the Israeli army still visits the site on a regular basis. They set up checkpoints and harass villagers. Unlike Oush Grab, when they evacuated, the Israelis destroyed all the buildings in the camp, leaving huge piles of rubble. This presents a challenge for any public reuse. Landowners say they haven’t touched their land since the army left because they don’t have the money to repair the damage. Some people have begun minimal cultivation on the edges of the camp and shepherds have set up tents in the former shooting range.
The former shooting area on the other side of the street
Interview with a landowner from the town Sanur
Jordanian military base:
Informal cultivation:
Clean the land:
Sa Nur
Former military base and outpost – evacuated in 2006
Sa Nur, just a few kilometers north of Homesh, was a small outpost also evacuated in 2005. The surrounding residents know it better as Tresilla than as Sa-Nur. The original structure was built during the Ottoman period and used as a citadel; it was then used by the British, Jordanian and Israeli occupations as a military base. Unlike other sites we visited, the original structure and architectural edifice was left intact. Internally, the citadel was damaged but could be easily repaired. A small mosque was also left primarily intact. The historical structure, the flowering plants surrounding the building and the location on a small hill make for a picturesque and unexpected site.
Sa Nur before (2004) and after (2006) the evaquation. Courtesy: ARIJ
Sa Nur over the gas station
The mosque of Sa Nur
Interview with the owner of the gas station near Sa Nur