Hospitality: Searching for Common Ground (14.–19.05.2018)
Hospitality, involves committing oneself to rigorous ethical behaviour. It’s a real commitment, a responsibility. From the host to the hostage, from hospitality to hostility… Jacques Derrida’s in-depth analysis of the political uses and abuses of ideal hospitality leads him to suggest that political action should take place in the space between ethics and politics. Using the framework of the Host, the Guest, the Table, this day will unfold with a series of short presentations and round table discussions, arranged and moderated by Hans Ulrich Obrist and Paul B. Preciado, with Daniel Birnbaum.
May, 18 (15.30–16.30)
Moderated by Paul B. Preciado
Elsa Dorlin, Professor, Political and Social Philosopher
Sandi Hilal, Artist
Anjalika Sagar, Artist
Public Luxury, ArkDes Stockholm (1 June 2018 – 13 January 2019)
Public Luxury is an exhibition about architecture, design and the struggle for public life. Large-scale commissions, installations and projects inside and outside of the museum will give visitors an insight into the struggles and successes of design as it faces many of the challenges currently facing Sweden. The title Public Luxury sounds like a contradiction, but recognizes that everything in the public realm exists for more than merely functional reasons. Every kerbstone, bench, bollard, station sign, public toilet and street is part of the character and identity of a place. All the works in Public Luxury, many of which were made for the exhibition, share the ambition to tell a story about public life today. Architects and designers may not be able to change society, but nothing reveals how society is changing as clearly as architecture and design.
Participants include Dansbana (Anna Pang, Anna Fridolin and Teres Selberg), Jonas Dahlberg, Sandi Hilal/DAAR, Johan Celsing, Hilda Hellström, Johannes Norlander, Åsa Jungnelius and Uglycute, among others.